The Billboard Art Project in the News:

About the Project:

  • I came across...The Billboard Art Project
    “…When you see a billboard that isn’t telling you what to buy or who to trust, it carries the impact of the unexpected.”
    “This is not a cloistered project where only a chosen few can participate. The Billboard Art Project is an open call to anyone who wants to participate in that fundamental process of self expression.”
    “The Billboard Art Project is your neighbor. It’s that nine to five manager who sketches behind the checkout counter in her spare time. Maybe it’s an acclaimed artist who simply wants to give something to the masses. Or perhaps it is a child struggling with cancer who has a white sheet of paper, a box crayons, and a world of time and pain. It could be someone on the other side of the continent or perhaps even the globe.
    The Billboard Art Project is you.”

  • 6/24/2011 on the Billboard Art Project in
    Magic Potion: Cool Ideas & Design Solutions
  • Blue Canvas, issue X, 'Urban Intervention'

Albany, NY – July 2-15, 2012

Salem, OR, May 25-27 2012

Richmond, VA – April 2-29 2012

San Bernardino - Corona-Riverside, CA Dec 2, 2011

Baton Rouge, LA, November 5, 2011

Chicago, IL September 26 through October 23, 2011

Duluth, MN. August 20 & 21, 2011

Savannah, GA. Saturday,

Nashville, TN. April 2, 2011

Richmond, VA. October 2, 2010