Billboard Art Project FAQ

What is the Billboard Art Project?

Billboard Art Project is a nonprofit organization based in Richmond, Virginia that acquires digital billboards normally used for advertising and repurposes them as roadside art galleries. Projects are held in cities all over the country and are open to all individuals and groups who are interested in participating. In addition to providing artists with a venue to display their art, free art shows are provided to the public, thus initiating a dialogue between artists, viewers and the public landscape.

Is there a selection process for participants?

Our general projects are open to all artists on a first come first serve basis, in keeping with our goal of opening up public space for free expression to all who are interested in participating. Other specialized projects will be open to selected artists by invitation.

Can I participate in more than one show?

Yes, as long as you do not repeat images from show to show.

Why can't I repeat images from a previous show?

We feature new work in each city because part of the intention of the Project is to disseminate a wide variety of artwork to different places. If we were to allow artists to repeat the same images from show to show, no new artists would have the opportunity to put in new work because there would be no room.

Will all of the images I submit appear on the billboard?

The advertising company from which we rent the billboard has the contractual right to refuse any images (please see the Guidelines for more information). We also reserve the right to repeat or not repeat any images at our discretion.

Can you tell me what time my work will appear on the billboard?

No, but we do provide a lineup showing artists in the order they appear. A few days before the show starts, this lineup will be available to download as a pdf on the city's page.

While we did provide schedules for earlier shows, we found that due to technical difficulties beyond our control they rarely were accurate, with time lags increasing substantially as the show went on, and with variations in the duration each image was up.

Will the show be documented?

While we make every effort to document each show, there are many variables involved and we are a small organization. We cannot guarantee that we will be able to document or post images from every artist. The documentation that we do get takes time for us to post, and we cannot guarantee any kind of time frame for this. It is best to document your own work if you want ready access to images.

What are the risks of traveling to the city where I am participating in a show?

While we love for participating artists to see the shows in person, you make travel arrangements at your own risk. We have had issues in the past with billboards not starting on time, not showing the scheduled artist lineup, and other technical difficulties beyond our control. We cannot guarantee that we will not have similar issues in the future, and we are in no way liable if you fly out to a city and are not able to see your work.

Do you have a press release I can send to the media?

We contact a variety of local media in each city, however if there are specific media outlets you would like us to contact, please let us know. You are welcome to speak to the press about your own submissions, participation in and thoughts about the project, but you should not speak in any way on our behalf, or about the details of our organization.

Can I use text from your website on my blog or other promotional material?

All of the text on our website is copyrighted. You may use it, but it must be quoted and credited to us.

Can I put my website on my images?

No, you should not put a website, name, or any other promotional information on your images. This project is about providing a departure from advertising. By offering artists an opportunity to share their work in this medium, we are challenging accepted notions about spaces normally reserved for advertisements. Each artist will be credited for their work on the billboard, as well as on our website, where we publish names and link to a website.

I don't agree with your copyright/image usage policy. Can I still participate in the show?

If you do not accept the terms of our policy, we are not able to accept your submissions. By participating in one of our shows, you are agreeing to the terms as stated in the Artist Agreement. We cannot make exceptions for individuals who disagree with certain aspects of the policy.

I have an idea for a project that does not meet your requirements. Can I still apply?

For any special considerations that step outside the boundaries as stated in the Call for Artists, you must submit a proposal for review. All project proposals must be for site specific work. We reserve the right to make exceptions to our guidelines at our discretion.

Why was I not accepted into a show?

We reserve the right to not accept artists based on the following reasons:

  • - the show reaches capacity (artists are accepted on a first come, first serve basis)
  • - you were accepted to a previous show, but did not submit images and did not withdraw from the show
  • - failure to follow the directions or meet the requirements as stated in the Call for Artists

Decisions regarding whether or not to accept an artist are made at our discretion.

Previous participation does not guarantee that you will automatically be accepted into future shows.

You've posted documentation from a show and I don't see any photographs of my work...does this mean I was not in the show?

No, this does not mean you were not in the show. However, we are not always able to get documentation of every artist's work. We make our best effort to document as much of each show as possible, however, the shows are ephemeral in nature and we have a limited time to capture everything. This means that we don't necessarily get photos of everyone's work. The best way to ensure that you get images of your work is to document it yourself.

May I use the documentation of my work that you've posted online?

All documentation of the project (photographs and video of the artwork in context of the billboard) is protected under the Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported. Copyright is held jointly by the creator of the image (artist), the facilitator (The Billboard Art Project), and the photographer, and may not be reproduced for profit under any circumstances without joint express written consent of the co-creators of the documentation. Documentation may be shared, so long as:

  1. It is not used for commercial purposes
  2. It is credited to the creator(s)
  3. It is not altered in any way

All copyrights of artwork that artists submit belong to the individual artist, not the Billboard Art Project.

Is time on the billboards donated to the Billboard Art Project?

We wish. No, the Billboard Art Project must pay in full for all time rented on the billboards.

How can I make a donation to the Billboard Art Project?

We are not accepting donations while the Billboard Art Project is on hiatus.

Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes. Billboard Art Project is a 501c3 nonprofit organization, so all donations are tax deductible.